call 01 835 2610


We are proud to be the First Digital Dental Practice in Ashbourne

We use modern technology to complete patient treatments, reduce time in the chair, reduce discomfort and increase the quality of the patient experience. We now offer treatments that were unheard of five years ago.

Digital X-Rays

With only 10% of the radiation of traditional x-rays, digital x-ray images are instantly displayed on a computer screen and can be enlarged to enable our practitioners to diagnose any potential problems and explain dental treatment to patients.

Digital Scans

With our digital scanner for dental impressions, the days of biting down on a tray of putty material are gone. Traditional impressions are particularly uncomfortable for patients with a very sensitive gag reflex. Digital impressions removes this discomfort as they’re taken using an intraoral scanner which is much smaller than traditional impression trays. The scanner creates a detailed 3-D image of your mouth by putting together approx. 10000 photos! They can then be used to create crowns and bridges, models for planning treatment, whitening trays and retainers. The accuracy of digital impressions is  even more accurate than traditional impression and they eliminate distortion of the impression material 

We want you to feel comfortable

To ensure you are comfortable and relaxed during your dental treatment appointment, we have wireless noise canceling headphones, so you can listen to your favourite music or podcast during your dental treatment.

If you have questions about any of the technology we have at Ashbourne Dental Care, we would love to talk to you.

3D Printing

Being able to design and print dental models and smile designs mean we have  more control over the final result plus we can present you your brand new smile on the models 

Book an appointment with Ashbourne Dental

Appointments available Monday – Saturday

Call 01 835 2610 for more information or to book an appointment.

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